Action Paving LLC

Have an asphalt paving-related question? We have the answer. Check out these FAQs and give us a call today for more information!

  • How long should I stay off the sealed asphalt area?

    We recommend keeping cars off the new asphalt sealer for at least 24 hours. Additionally, if possible, it’s better to keep vehicle traffic off of it overnight.

    According to Storables, after installation, asphalt can take 24 to 48 hours to dry. The area is usually ready for pedestrian traffic within one to two hours of each coat, but shady areas may take longer to dry. Call Action Paving LLC to speak with our paving contractors Colorado Springs, CO relies on.

  • How long will it be before I can drive on the new asphalt surface?

    We've found that vehicles should be able to drive on the surface after two to three days.

    Action Paving LLC offers the leading asphalt driveway maintenance Colorado Springs, CO depends on.

  • How long does asphalt last?

    We tell our customers that asphalt that is properly installed with quality materials by an experienced asphalt contractor should last 30 years or more, which we know from experience. Learn more from our asphalt contractors Colorado Springs, CO counts on by calling Action Paving LLC today.

  • Do you recommend asphalt maintenance?

    Yes. We've observed that regular maintenance can extend the life of your lot by 40 to 50 years. Action Paving LLC provides parking lot maintenance Colorado Springs, CO businesses swear by.

  • How easy is asphalt to install?

    Asphalt is relatively easy for our professionals to install because it cools and hardens quickly. Our professionals will be able to ensure a smooth surface. You can begin using the paved surface within about 24 hours, but it actually takes between three and 12 months for asphalt to completely cure, according to our team. During this time, it is more easily damaged. Reach out to Action Paving LLC to speak with the top paving contractors Colorado Springs, CO values.

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